Resources is the area of activity where the entrepreneurial drive and systems either maximize or exploit the raw materials of the environment.
External Links
- Business Alliance for Local Living Economies - BALLE is an international alliance of 52 independently operated local business networks with more than 15,000 members dedicated to building Local Living Economies. BALLE envisions a sustainable global economy made up of Local Living Economies that build long-term economic empowerment and prosperity through local business ownership, economic justice, cultural diversity, and environmental stewardship.
- Mondragon Cooperative Corporation is the fruit of the sound vision of a young priest, Don José María Arizmendiarrieta, as well as the solidarity and efforts of worker-members who have transformed a humble factory, which in 1956 manufactured oil stoves and paraffin heaters, into the leading industrial group in the Basque Country.
- E. F. Schumacher Society - named after the author of Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered, is an educational non-profit organization founded in 1980. Programs demonstrate that both social and environmental sustainability can be achieved by applying the values of human-scale communities and respect for the natural environment to economic issues. Building on a rich tradition often known as decentralism, the Society initiates practical measures that lead to community revitalization and further the transition toward an economically and ecologically sustainable society. .
- Grameen Bank - provides credit to the poorest of the poor in rural Bangladesh without any collateral. Professor Muhammad Yunus, the founder of "Grameen Bank" and its Managing Director, reasoned that if financial resources can be made available to the poor people on terms and conditions that are appropriate and reasonable, "these millions of small people with their millions of small pursuits can add up to create the biggest development wonder."
- Pax Christi - Alternative Economics and Social Development - practical development of means for creating a more just economy, be it through the use of alternative economic indicators, to the renegotiation of relations and protocols through dialogue with business, to the establishment of entirely different economic practices in their own communities.
- The Idler - is a bi-annual, book-shaped magazine that campaigns against the work ethic and make idling into something to aspire towards rather than reject. The title comes from a series of essays by Dr Johnson, published in 1758-9.
- Anxiety Culture - web magazine with "a wealth of ideas & gimmicks for navigating the crazy, paranoid, work-obsessed, media crap-ulent times we live in."
The Creative Process
Global PathMarkers
Educational Posters, Notecards & Bookmarks
Resources was one of ten areas of concern selected in 1986 as focus points for The Future Is Now World Peace Celebration - rather like a "complex" of dynamic interrelated human activities that cannot be separated out from one another.