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“A mystical move within is a powerful move without.”
Introduction Collegium Spiritus is a spiritual education center for learning to "live originally". The Collegium Spiritus Center for Integral Education is an encouragement and resource network for people who are seeking to understand, and answer, the persistent feeling in their lives that "there is something I am to do -- a unique destiny -- I am to fulfill." This feeling is no small thing. In cannot be dismissed as trivial. It is the spiritual dimension of personality, the Self, calling individuals to do the great work -- increasing consciousness for the benefit of all. This is an inward journey, essentially to risk ‘Knowing’ and ‘Being Known’ that requires heroic courage. It is a process of ‘withdrawal and return,’ a willingness to risk stepping out of the conventional safe world and make a deeper connection with others. While the inward path must be traveled Alone, it does not have to be a lonely journey. Through many years of thought, study, and reflection, Fred Culver has developed Integral Education for Living Originally© -- an interdisciplinary understanding and synthesizing working style -- to sustain study, dialogue and exchange of experience among people in ‘working groups.’ Typically, they are limited to groups of five to ten colleagues to sustain intimacy. The synergistic and collegial relationships that evolve from this learner centered process is the Collegium. As each person comes into their own ‘great work,’ a spiritual community is formed and the world is changed. Our trust in that the inward journey is the vital link on the path of renewal, is encouraged by the intuitive knowing that a ‘mystical move within’ is a ‘powerful move without.’ Many of us know the lonely isolated move within. But the lonely, misunderstood genius should be a relic of the past. Help us change this pattern to create the global community of the future. Where the move within is supported and the consequences for the world without are life and ‘Self’ supporting. Theologian Fred Culver founded The Collegium in the mid 1970s as the Community for Creative Studies. A former Presbyterian minister, he is a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary and trained as a Gestalt therapist. He is a global activist and hopes that you will join him in creating a global community. |
The Online version of the Collegium Integral Education Workbook is being reformatted for the Internet from a 27 page print version. The work of integral education points to ideas and relationships that are suited to the hypertext structure that makes the internet such a powerful tool for exploration.
The Creative Process | The Center for Global Community |
The Collegium Spiritus, 123 W. Armour Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64111 |