Hints from Heart Forest Stewards for work days:
• Keep a bag packed (Heart Forest bag, of course!) with the basic needs of working at the forest:
• work gloves
• dry socks
• insect repellant
• sunscreen
• hat or cap
• kite & frisbees
• handy wipes
• garbage bags
• It is best to dress in layers, cool mornings can lead to warm afternoons!
From downtown KCMO take 1-70 W to 435 N.
Exit east on 120th (Rt D) 1/2 mile
to Brightwell Rd. & south 2 miles to 104th St.
Alternate route:
From I-29 N take Hwy 152W (exit 9-B) to
Rt N, right on Farley-Hampton Rd. 1 mile,
left on Brightwell to 104th St.
satellite view
If our schedule doesn’t fit your schedule just come out when you can. Call 816/756-0099 or
for information on things that need to be done at the Heart Forest.
Can I see the Heart Forest from a plane?
It is possible to see the Heart Forest from a plane taking off or landing at KCI, however certain conditions must be met:-)
- Your flight must be using the north-south runway.
- On take-offs you must be seated on the right hand side (facing front of the plane).
- On landings you must be on the left side of the plane.
If your seat mate exclaims “Oh, look! A farmer planted something in the shape of a heart,” welcome them to Kansas City with the Heart Forest story. (Yes, it has happened!)
Print out sheet for Heart Forest Work Days. |
- The Heart Forest is about building community. So, how do you build community? Share, share, share!!!
- Contact Bridging the Gap for volunteering at KC's weekend recycling centers.
- Center for the Built Environment has some great educational materials (the Heart Forest is included!)
- Kansas City Kite Club has come out to help us celebrate almost every spring.
- Heart of America United Way Day of Caring community-wide volunteer service event that mobilizes thousands of people in the two-state, metropolitan KC area.
- Hands on KC makes volunteer activities more accessible to individuals with hectic or unpredictable schedules.