Jane Silvernail Crommer Obituary |
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Jane Silvernail, daughter of Conrad and Polly Silvernail, was born in Rensselaer county, New York, Dec 20, 1831 and died at the home of her son, Chas. Crommer in Pioneer, Ohio, Feb. 15, 1919, aged 87 years, 1 month and 35 days. She was one of a family of eleven children, all of whom have passed away. She moved with her parents when about two years of age to Burton, Geauge (sic) county, Ohio and when about six years of age the family moved to Pittsford township, Hillsdale County, Mich. She was united in marriage to Miner Crommer of Ransom township, June 23, 1850 and to this union were born four children, one dying in infancy and one son George at the age of 15 years. Until her husbands death in 1872 and for several years following she lived on the farm in Ransom township, later moving to a small farm near the house of her son in Amboy township where she livd alone until about three years ago when she went to live with him when the family moved to Pioneer. She was converted in 1849 and at that time did not unite with any church but later when she moved to Amboy township she united with the Church of God near Buckeye and lived a faithful and consistent christan until the call of the master. Her Bible was her constant companion and the teachings of her Christ her solace and comfort. Her favorite chapter of the Bible was the 14th chapter of St. John and she frequently quoted the second verse, In my Fathers house there are many mansions; if it were not so I would have told you; I go to prepare a place for you. After a long, busy and useful life she died as she had lived- honored, trusted and loved. She reared her own monument while she lived in the hearts of all who knew her. Her life was completed if work all and well done constitutes completion. Her christian life was beautiful from its beginning to its close and through all the vicissitudes and sorrows that she met in the way her faith to God never wavered. She has left us and today the earth falls upon another grave that hides from our sight all that is mortal of a true and noble woman. She leaves to mourn their loss one son at whose home she died, Chas. Crommer of Pioneer, and one daughter Mrs. Royal Raymond of Pittsford, Mich.; ten grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren, besides many other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held at the Church of God at Buckeye, Tuesday, conducted by Rev. J. H. Bolton with burial to Evergreen cemetery at Ransom. Smooth the locks of silver hair, |
Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crommer and Family and (caption from ) It (obit) came from the local paper in Pioneer OH, which was published for many years by Miley E. Crommer. A cousin, but no one knows how we are related. The paper archive still exist but is not available to the public. It is, however, on microfilm in the Bryan, OH library. [I also have Jane Silvernail Crommer's obit from Doris Stuck. - as well as Stuck/Silvernail Reunion clippings. RP] |
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