Search Results
Your search for, found the following documents (of 1829 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-9 of 9, with best matches first:

1. Labor History Educational Posters, pg 2/4
Images on this page include medieval peasants revolt, John Ball, Bartolome de las Casas, Luddites, Tolpuddle Martyrs, Chartists, Lowell Mill Girls, Great Railroad Strike of 1877, Haymarket Affair, Homestead Strike and Lockout, Pullman Strike, the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, protests against child labor, and May Day prints.
URL: - 67KB - 03 Jan 2011
2. State of New Hampshire Posters, Prints, Photographs, Calendars
Selection of New Hampshire posters, charts, maps, art prints, and photographs for educators and home schoolers, themed decor in studio or office.
URL: - 63KB - 03 Jan 2011
3. Emily Dickinson Educational Posters, Books, Video, Links for Learning
Emily Dickinson Educational Posters, Books, Video, Links for Learning. Find Emily Dickinson Educational Posters, Books, Video, Links for Learning at The Creative Process. Images include posters from the American Authors of the 19th Century and American Authors Biographical Timeline poster series.
URL: - 38KB - 03 Jan 2011
4. State of Pennsylvania Posters, Prints, Photographs, Calendars
State of Pennsylvania posters, prints, photographs & calendars. Pennsylvania, known as the Keystone State, and once known as the Quaker State, joined the Union on December 12, 1787 as the 2nd state.
URL: - 82KB - 17 Jan 2011
5. Rachel Carson Educational Posters, Books, Video, Links for Learning
Rachel Carson, author of "Silenet Spring", brought her passions and talents for nature, science and literature together in a lasting legacy of environmental care.
URL: - 49KB - 03 Jan 2011
6. November Holidays & Observances Calendar
List of November holidays, observances, notable dates, links to info, posters.
URL: - 184KB - 25 Jan 2011
7. Abraham Lincoln Autobiographies
Abraham Lincoln quotes, quotations.
URL: - 58KB - 03 Jan 2011
8. Notable Historic Political Leaders Posters
United States Presidents Posters, Art Prints, Photographs & Charts, pg 3/3. FDR - Barack Obama (1933 - present) for the social studies classroom and home schoolers.
URL: - 69KB - 03 Jan 2011
9. Labor History : Slavery Posters, pg 4/4
Images on this page include medieval peasants revolt, John Ball, Bartolome de las Casas, Luddites, Tolpuddle Martyrs, Chartists, Lowell Mill Girls, Great Railroad Strike of 1877, Haymarket Affair, Homestead Strike and Lockout, Pullman Strike, protests against child labor, and May Day prints.
URL: - 41KB - 13 Jan 2011

Documents 1-9 of 9 displayed.

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