The Heart Forest is a living symbol of commitment to environmental, spiritual and community rejuvenation.
The Collegium Spiritus Center for Integral Education is an encouragement and resource network for people who are seeking to understand, and answer, the persistent feeling in their lives that “there is something I am to do -- a unique destiny -- I am to fulfill.”
The Center for Global Community proposes an active association of “thoughtful, committed citizens” to compose a strategy for global community and ethic that integrates the physical with the spiritual, the personal with the civic and social, as well as the economic, scientific, and cultural.
Troost Avenue Festival -
* to recognize and celebrate the diverse creative energies of Troost Avenue,
* change the Troost image to a place of meeting from one of division and fear,
* to prompt residents of the community to join in life long learning.
The Future Is Now formed in 01986 to organize the Kansas City response to a call for a worldwide, simultaneous prayer for peace.
Linda Mawby, a long time supporter of The Future Is Now, has folded thousands of origami cranes and taught many people to fold cranes. She invites everyone to join her in a year long meditation while creating this global symbol of peace.
Stan Slaughter, Eco-Troubadour, travels the country with innovative and entertaining environmental education programs.
Jo Bonewits of Crazy Woman Pottery has "retired" from day to day studio work though she will never leave teaching and guiding.
Jo helped with the World Celebration Camp-(a children’s summer day camp that was part of The Future Is Now) and has offered to help with our Life Long Learning on Troost Ave.
Teri McDuffey, Montessori teacher and songwriter created Math and Cultural Songs for fun learning.
EcoKids is part of a part of the Heartland All Species Project in KC. Project coordinator Marty Kraft brought EcoKid Karlos Kindle and his sketch for a logo over to The Creative Process one day. We scanned it into the computer and used it as a template for the logo you see here. Visit EcoKids to see what you can do in your neighborhood!
Don Reck is an environmentalist who uses photography to discover deeper understandings of the wonders of nature. His photography pages are down right now so go to Kansas City Habitat ReStore, Don's baby.